Life is a strange journey. Occasionally, we can experience bullying, and if not, we may see others being bullied. These traumatic effects are usually long-lasting and can leave a deep impression on the memory of persons being harassed. Bullying has more devastating effects if it happens in childhood. Psychologists call it ACE (Adverse Childhood Experience). These are the eventful circumstances that lead to putting a negative impact on a person’s memory, on his vision of life, and even may leave him emotionally broken. ACEs may become life-threatening if we do not adopt proper healing strategies. The quality of life will be badly disturbed and a traumatized person will also feel difficulty in trusting people even in those who are near and dear to him.
It’s the moral and social duty of every one of us to help those who are experiencing trauma after bullying. Particularly parents, teachers, and trusted neighbors can play a vital role. It must be ensured that the teen or child being bullied is safe. Apart from physical and mental safety, one must ensure prevention from such devastating events in the future. Further stress management techniques may help the child to cope with the problem.
Traumatized children and teens may need help from professionals like child psychiatrists and healthcare providers. Don’t hesitate to contact them as or when needed. Both the mental and physical health of the child should be prioritized. Parents and other older family members should watch out for any warning signs in a child, like insomnia, a sudden decline in school grades, unjustified avoidance of going into public or to school, and a sudden and negative change in eating habits.
Schools and teachers can play a vital role to help the students to deal with the issue. The National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments (NCSSLE) provides a special resource like the Trauma-Sensitive Schools Training Package to equip the school staff with the trauma-informed facility. School management should reduce trauma-related triggers both in and out of the classrooms. Teachers should keep an eye on those students who are reported as bullies. They should be treated accordingly. One thing to keep in mind is that they are also members of our society. Radical steps must be taken on an emergency basis to treat those bullies. They may need psychological help. By addressing those issues and reasons which compel them to behave like bullies, we help them. External and internal reasons may be decimated. But only well-trained teachers, caregivers, and facilitators can do this task.
Furthermore, it is the duty of the parents to provide their young ones with a bully-free environment. Neglect, arguing together in front of a child, and domestic violence will engrave a lasting negative impact on the child’s memory and his self-esteem will be demoralized. Parents should also look at the child’s activities out of home and they must watch out silently how their child is being treated outdoor. If any mishap occurs, they should act. Their child may be in their need.
One thing to remember is that a person may deny that he or she was bullied in the past. To heal from trauma, a critical and analytical outlook plays a crucial role. One must minutely look deep inside and must admit if there was an instant of bullying in the past. Even, unintentionally, parents could be involved in bullying their children. So this acknowledgment of being bullied will be the first step towards healing. "Sooner is better" is the best policy. A skillful dealing is a key to healing.